
Links to Some Committee
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About Our Committees

Because we have no paid clergy, the meeting's members and attenders do the meeting's work in committees. Most committees meet monthly, September through June.

We invite everyone to consider what gifts they could bring to the meeting's work—experience, talents, resources, and so on—and, from the list below, think about where those gifts might be of service. Then notify our Nominating Committee of your interest.

Our Committees

Download A Quick Visual Guide to Our Committees and Officers briefly describing their charge.

Adult Religious Education Committee

  • Coordinates opportunities for Members and Attenders to enhance their knowledge and understanding of Quakerism.
  • Open to participation by both Members and Attenders.

Attenders and Outreach Committee 

  • Welcomes visitors and attenders, helps them enter into the life of the Meeting, and serves as a resource for those seeking to learn more about Quakerism.
  • Open to participation by both Attenders and Members.

Burial Ground Committee 

  • Manages the Friends Southwestern Burial Ground in Upper Darby.
  • Open to participation by both Attenders and Members.

Tuition Aid Committee

  • Allocates budgeted scholarship aid to children of the Meeting.
  • You must be a Member to participate on this committee.

Finance Advisory Committee

  • Prepares the Meeting's annual budget, providing funds for the various aspects of the Meeting.
  • You must be a Member to participate on this committee.

Youth Religious Education Committee 

  • Provides a religious education program for the young people of the Meeting.
  • Seeks ways of helping parents clarify their own religious values to impart to their children.
  • Open to participation by both Attenders and Members.

Gifts and Leadings Committee

  • Nurtures gifts of the Spirit, supports efforts to discern one's ministries.
  • You must be a Member to participate on this committee.

Hospitality Committee

  • Supports the provision of refreshments at social hour and other occasions as needed.
  • Both Attenders and Members are welcome on this committee.

Library Committee 

  • Purchases books of interest to Friends for the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Library, which is located in Friends Center.
  • Facilitates circulation of books among Meeting Members and Aattenders.
  • Both Attenders and Members can participate on this committee.

Property Committee

  • Supervises the use of the Meeting's property and the rooms under the care of the Meeting.
  • Open to participation by both Attenders and Members.

Membership Care Committee

  • Responsible for the pastoral care of Meeting members.
  • Handles membership applications, transfers, and resignations, and requests for marriages under the care of the Meeting.
  • You must be a Member to participate on this committee.

Meeting Community Assistance Fund Committee

  • Provides assistance to Meeting Members with financial needs, using income primarily from established trust funds.
  • You must be a Member to participate on this committee.

Nominating Committee

  • Recommends to Monthly Meeting the names of Friends to serve as Clerks, other Officers, and members of committees.
  • You must be a Member to participate on this committee.
  • Nominating Committee meets on Sundays at Friends Center; once a month from September through December and twice a month from January through June.

Operations Committee

  • Coordinates and supervises the operation of the Meeting office.
  • You must be a Member to participate on this committee.

Peace and Social Concerns Committee

  • Seeks ways for the Meeting to actively participate in peace and social justice concerns.
  • Open to participation of both Attenders and Members.
  • Go to PSCC web page.

The Committee meets monthly—currently, first Tuesdays of the month, 7:00 to 9:00 pm, at the meetinghouse from September through June.

Racial Healing & Wholeness Committee

  • Facilitates opportunities for the Meeting to increase its awareness of the impact of racism on all of us.
  • Supports creating a strongly welcoming environment for visitors, Attenders, and Members who are people of color.
  • Open to participation by both Attenders and Members.

Worship and Ministry Committee

  • Responsible for the right ordering of Meeting for Worship and for the spiritual nurturing of Meeting members and attenders.
  • You must be a Member to participate on this committee.

White-Richardson Trustees

  • Makes recommendations regarding the disbursal of income from a trust dedicated to supporting enhanced educational opportunities for children of color in Philadelphia.
  • You must be a Member to be appointed to the Trustees.

Representatives to other Friends' associations

Central Philadelphia Meeting also appoints representatives and designated attenders to other Friends' groups and organizations, including:

  • Friends Center Corporation Board
  • Friends Select School Trustees
  • Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting
  • Philadelphia Interim Meeting
  • Philadelphia Yearly Meeting 
  • Wesley Enhanced Living at Stapeley
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