Resources on Quakerism


These links lead to a wide variety of resources on Quakerism in several media.

About Quakerism—Good information from one of our national denominational organizations, Friends General Conference.

More About Quakerism—More information from our regional denominational organization, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM).

Quaker Faith and Practice—A book-length, online resource on our beliefs, structures, and practices, published by PYM. Read it online on your device for free.

Quaker Resources by Topic—This is a portal on the website for Quakers in New York and northern New Jersey. It has lots of links to pages by topic, and these pages usually have links to further pages that drill down into these general subjects. Mostly, these "resources" are bibliographies of written materials and these lists are now rather old, but they're quite extensive.

Friends Journal—This Quaker monthly magazine is available by subscription by calling 215-241-7277 or by clicking the title link to visit their website.

Library—Central Philadelphia Meeting hosts the library of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PhYM), our denominational organization. Click the title link to visit the PhYM library.

Videos—Link to the QuakerSpeak videos, which can be sorted by topic.

Podcasts—Link to Thee Quaker Podcasts.

QuakerBooks—Link to an online Quaker bookstore.

Pendle Hill Bookstore—Link to another Quaker bookstore and a publisher of many Quaker pamphlets. (215-561-1700)—Click the title link to visit Friends General Conference's Bookstore (FGC). FGC is an umbrella organization for many meetings and yearly meetings in North America. (215-566-4514)

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