Membership - old

Please check us out

If you've been with us for a while—or it's love at first sight—and you are wondering whether formal membership is right for you, this page offers an invitation, links to further resources on membership, and a brief description of how to apply. We don't have a theological litmus test for membership and we don't baptize. Instead, we seek to be clear that membership is right for both you and us.

And welcome!

We seek to be a welcoming community to all people regardless of their race or ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or social situation, and we invite everyone to worship with us and to participate in our community life, whether they are members or not.

Why join Central Philadelphia Meeting?

Inward transformation: Membership fosters a sense of wholeness and belonging.

Community: As a welcoming spiritual home, we seek to become members of one another in a fellowship of the Spirit. 

Spiritual support: We seek to nurture each other in the life of the Spirit and with genuine care for each other.

Living in the world: We try to provide a spiritual foundation for your efforts toward right living, raising a family, and mending the world we live in.

Reality check. We're not perfect, of course. But we constantly strive to become more loving, more compassionate, and more welcoming to all.

Joy. Meanwhile, we have a lot of fun, we laugh a lot, and we know real joy in each other's presence.

To learn more about what membership in this community means, we invite you to read a document we're prepared, which you can download using the following link, On Being a Member, which is the same as the link above.

How to apply for membership

The process. If you want to apply for membership, or to learn more about the process, click this link for our Guide to Becoming a Member. It will take you to a web page with more detailed information about how to apply.

What membership involves: Download On Being a Member of Central Philadelphia Friends Meeting to learn more about what membership in our community means.

Person to person. If you would like to speak to someone directly about membership in the meeting, email the meeting office at office[at]cpmm[dot]org. or call 215-241-7260. The meeting secretary will put you in touch with someone to talk to. We would love to hear from you.

Want to change your membership status?

Already a member but want to change your status? Please email or call us . . .

  • if you are moving or for some other reason you want to transfer your membership to another meeting;
  • if you will be staying with us for a while but expect to return to your home meeting after a time, and you want to become a sojourning member; or
  • you wish to terminate your membership.
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