About Our Worship & Spirituality

The Essence of Quaker Spirituality

Quaker spirituality works in two directions at once. It turns us inward toward a Light within each of us—the Light of Christ, the Spirit, that of God within us. We name it in different ways, but we share the same experience: that each of us can commune with God directly, without mediating persons, books, or rituals. This “sinking down in the Seed,” as an ancient Friend once put it, can guide us, heal us, forgive us, awaken us, inspire us, make us more whole and fulfilled.

But it also calls us out into the world, into service on behalf of Love and Truth. Inward promptings of the Spirit lead us to comfort and support those who suffer, to mend the hurts of the world, to speak truth to power when necessary.

Moreover, community is essential to our spiritual lives—we are here to support each other in the life of the Spirit.

The Role of Worship

We ground our spiritual lives in our worship. We wait expectantly on the Divine, opening ourselves to the Spirit within us, to the Presence in our midst. In this hallowed silence, some may be moved to speak, sharing messages guided by the Spirit—an intimate dialogue between the meeting and the Divine conducted through each other.

Please join us! We meet every Sunday at 11:00 am at 1501 Cherry St, Philadelphia, PA 19102.

Can't be with us in person? No worries.

You can still join us virtually via Zoom 
Click here to join the hybrid meeting

Meeting ID:
 550 104 323
Passcode: cpmm

Further Exploration of Quaker Spirituality

For a fuller exploration of Quaker spirituality, we invite you to delve into the sections
found in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting’s book of Faith and Practice linked below.
(Philadelphia Yearly Meeting is our regional denominational organization.)

Links to Further Resources:

Ask Us

There’s more, of course. If you would like to learn more or speak to someone personally
about the Quaker way, please email or call our office at office@cpmm.org, 215-241-
7260. Our office administrator will put you in touch with one of us.
We look forward to welcoming you in person. 



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