If you have a deep concern for peace and justice, for the climate and our other ecological challenges, and want to build your activism on a spiritual foundation, we hope you find a home with us.
Quaker "Testimonies"
Ours is a peace church committed to mending the world's hurts, supporting those who suffer and are oppressed, and working nonviolently to transform the sources of oppression.
Over the centuries, we have come to unity on a number of principles for right living and our relationship with the wider culture. We call these principles our "testimonies."
These include efforts toward peace and nonviolence, equality and social justice, honesty and integrity, criminal justice reform, and care for the earth, to name some of the more prominent.
Social concerns of the meeting
Our meeting has several committees that guide the meeting's social concerns and act on our behalf. Visit our Mending the World page to learn more.
We also support some members who feel called to specific social change ministries. Visit our Mending the World page to learn more.